This event is in the "Teen (ages 12-18)" group.
This event is in the "Adult" group.
This event is in the "Family (children of all ages)" group.

West African Djembe Workshop with Adama Dembele

2:00pm - 3:00pm
Teen (ages 12-18), Adult, Family (children of all ages)
Library Branch: Pack Memorial
Room: Pack Memorial Library Auditorium
Age Group: Teen (ages 12-18), Adult, Family (children of all ages)
Program Type: Music
Seats Remaining: 22
Event Details:

Learn about the traditional music and dance of West Africa with master djembe player (djembefola) Adama Dembele. Djembe drumming originated in West Africa and has long been used to tell stories through music and dance.


This event requires registration

This event is in the "Teen (ages 12-18)" group.
This event is in the "Adult" group.

Qigong with Allen Horowitz

6:00pm - 7:00pm
Teen (ages 12-18), Adult
Library Branch: Fairview
Room: Fairview Library
Age Group: Teen (ages 12-18), Adult
Program Type: Classes, Drop In, Educational, Health & Wellness
Event Details:

Free Qigong classes with Allen Horowitz are back at Fairview Library every Thursday in March, 6-7pm. This class is open to all ages and fitness levels. No registration needed. Just show up!