WesFest- A Public Library Program for Wes Anderson Enthusiasts in 3 Parts

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Program Type:

Arts & Crafts, Film Screening

Age Group:

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Program Description

Event Details

We'll be hosting a themed activity plus film once a month during the wintry months. If you're someone who enjoys having a movie on while crafting, or someone who just wants to watch a movie, join us. Activities will correspond with the film and are voluntary.

With that, we present WesFest! What better way to stay warm and cozy than immersing yourself in well curated colors, themes, and the imagination of director, Wes Anderson. 

Introducing our Public Library Program for Wes Anderson enthusiasts in three parts:

Part 1. Community and Identity- Fantastic Mr. Fox- January 21 - 6:00 P - 

           Activity: Self-Portrait in the palette of Fantastic Mr. Fox

          (rescheduled from canceled date)

Part 2. Love- Moonrise Kingdom- February 18 - 6:00 P

          Activity: Write a letter to someone you're smitten with

Part 3. Family- The Royal Tenenbaums- March 18- 6:00 P

           Activity: Design Your Own Book Jacket


  • All materials are provided for the activities. These activities can be considered as open art hours with a movie, there is no formal lesson and no instructor present, but materials galore!
  • In the case of unexpected closures due to ice or snow, we will post about cancellations on our events calendar, Instagram page, and Facebook page. Please follow us @EnkaCandlerLibrary to stay up to date.